Councils should ‘be consciously biased against those who refuse to see us as individuals beyond our skin colour’, argues Claire Fox in the Municipal Journal
Dear councils, I am here to encourage you to rebel. You have a long tradition of rejecting the way things are done in Westminster, so I am hoping you will reject the utterly barmy decision that the House of Commons is going to pilot ‘unconscious bias training’ for all MPs.
Sir Keir Starmer started the trend. After criticism of his language around the Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests, he told radio host Nick Ferrari on LBC that courses on unconscious bias would be made available across the Labour Party, and that he’d ‘lead from the front’ in taking it. Now, every parliamentarian (and indeed their staff) is to follow suit.
Since the brutal killing of George Floyd, international abhorrence has led to a wellintentioned desire among many involved in UK politics to use this moment to challenge racism. However, this positive aspiration is being sullied by a prescriptive redefinition of racism that not only does nothing to fight bigotry, but is divisive, anti-democratic and likely to stir up racial tensions.
The critical race theory (CRT) was once largely confined to leftist academic circles. It is now being mainstreamed and institutionalised as it is championed by the identity politics activists who have emerged as key political players around the BLM movement.
Full version of the article can be found here