A ‘Trans’ Paedophile Stole My Name

“Identity-theft scams are unpleasant at the best of times. But when the government embraces the tenets of gender ideology, identity theft can be used as a cover for abuse—as I recently learned when a convicted pedophile ripped off my name. Last week, British newspapers reported that a convicted incestuous pedophile, about to be released from prison on parole, has changed his identity to her. The abuser, Clive Bundy, will be known as Claire Fox. That’s my name, and it’s well-known in part because I have used my seat in the House of Lords to oppose gender ideology.

Of course, I’m outraged. But I am not the real victim here. That would be Bundy’s daughter Ceri-Lee Galvin, now 24, who was sexually molested by her father for nine years, beginning when she was 8 years old. Bundy was found guilty in 2016 and sentenced to 15 years in prison. The first jolt to anyone’s sense of justice is that he is about to be sprung after only seven years behind bars…”

Read the full story on Compact.