Farage, cakes and single-use vapes

Returning to the Last Orders podcast, Claire spoke to hosts Chris Snowdon and Tom Slater about what Nigel Farage’s return might mean for the General Election, the panic over nicotine pouches and the pointlessness of the sugar tax. Listen on Spiked.

What a real public-health crisis looks like

Claire joins Chris Snowdon and Tom Slater for Spiked’s Last Orders podcast to discuss the coronavirus, the government’s handling of the crisis, and whether they made the correct decision in u-turning its approach by imposing a lockdown.

What women want

In Spiked Online, Claire reviews Ella Whelan’s new book on the importance of putting freedom back into feminism. While writing this review, two newspaper pieces catch my eye that sum up today’s destructive sexual-politics zeitgeist. In the New York Times, author Stephen Marche applies pseudo-Freudianism to the Harvey Weinstein scandal, concluding ‘if you let boys be boys, they … Read more