Is cancel culture real?

Claire took part in this debate hosted by Bright Blue, an independent British think tank and pressure group for liberal conservatism, along with Professor Rob Ford and Femi Oluwole.

It’s time for councils to step up and give a lead on care home visiting

Writing in The MJ, Claire argues that the rapid rollout of covid vaccines shows what is possible when unnecessary bureaucracy is stripped away… One common argument given by for vaccine hesitancy is: how could the jabs be developed so quickly? In response, officialdom has been forced to admit that one key reason it’s been possible … Read more

Unlocked: Brexit one year on

Claire and other guests join fellow former Brexit Party MEPs Martin Daubney and Ben Habib for an Unlocked special to mark the anniversary of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union.

Claire returns to The Vance Crowe Podcast

In her second appearance on this US-based podcast, Claire discusses the House of Lords, the EU and Brexit, Boris Johnson, Trump and the Capitol Hill riots, loser’s consent, Big Tech censorship, lockdown, election conspiracies, ‘silence is violence’, masks and making a political difference during lockdown.

Brexit brings democratic accountability home – and that means scrutiny of the Lords too

On the historic day that Brexit became final, Claire was due to speak in the House of Lords but was culled from the speakers’ list at the last moment. She shared what she was going to say with Brexit Watch… “…if it wasn’t for populist democratic perseverance, there wouldn’t even be a trade deal to consider. … Read more

Leave won because of “the steely courage of millions of voters”

Brexit Facts4EU published the text of Claire’s speech in the second House of Lords debate on the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement… “My Lords, I voted for the agreement reluctantly. I would have preferred a clean break and the time to scrutinise the small print for the myriad traps it contains. “However, to give credit … Read more