Our leaders are trapped in an echo chamber – no wonder they’re making such bad decisions

By closing down the public sphere, politicians have deprived themselves of their most valuable asset: the wisdom of an engaged citizenry, writes Claire in The Telegraph When MPs and Lords were sent home early last Thursday, we were put on standby. If the UK secured a deal with the EU after endless fraught negotiations, we … Read more

Newsnight: Can common sense guide us out of the coronavirus pandemic?

Claire was in the Newsnight studio with Simon Williams from Swansea University’s School of Management to discuss the prospect of relaxed lockdown guidelines over Christmas, and argued that letting the public use their judgement in these situations is more likely to foster good will and responsible behaviour than draconian, rules-based measures. Claire appears from 10 … Read more

Debate, Oracy and Free Speech

Claire was a guest on It’s Your Time You’re Wasting!, the podcast presented by educators Martin Robinson and David Didau, where she discussed the Eton ‘perspectives’ video and pupil voice, and the reasons she set up the Debating Matters competition for secondary schools, now in its seventeenth year.